As I was reading a few of my friends' blogs that I follow, my heart just broke for them. I know that God is there to give them the strength that they need to make it but its not always that easy getting over things. Losing a child is one of the hardest things that a parent has to go through. If you haven't ever lost a baby then you don't know what it feels like and you shouldn't put us down or judge us. You should be there for a shoulder for them to cry on, or be there to pick them up when they fall. I have no idea how any of us could make it without God. He is why we are still standing today. I found this poem and it really touched me and I know that it will touch other too. Thanks you for reading this blog and promise me from now on that if you see someone who has lost their child. don't judge them and say they should be over it by now, please be there to lift them up!!!
Don't tell me that you understand,
Don't tell me that you know...
Don't tell me that I will surely survive,
How I will surely grow...
Don't tell me this is just a test,
That I am truly blessed...
That I am chosen for the task,
Apart from all the rest...
Don't come at me with answers,
That can only come from me...
Don't tell me how my grief will pass,
That I will soon be free...
Don't stand in pious judgment,
Of the bonds that I must untie..
Don't tell me how to suffer,
And don't tell me how to cry...
My life is filled with selfishness,
My pain is all I see...
But I need you, I need your love,
Accept me in my up's and down's,
I need someone to share...
Just hold my hand and let me cry,
And say, My Friend, I care...
~Author Unknown~
2 months ago
This totally expresses my feelings the last couple days! I hope you don't mind if I post this on my blog tonight!
Go ahead!!! That is why I put it on there was to help others because it helped me. I know that other BLM know what its like but no one else except Jesus knows how we feel. Praying for you!!!
I saw this poem on Tiffany's blog and it explained so clearly what I am feeling. Thank you for posting it.
You're welcome. Hope it helps you!!!
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