I just wanted to wish all of my friends a Happy Easter. I know for some this will be the best Easter ever and for others, this will be one of the hardest Easters that you will ever face. There are days when I too want to give up but knowing what my reward will be when I finish this race of life makes it all worth it. Knowing that I will get to see my loved ones that have gone on before me, knowing that I can just see Jesus so I can thank Him face to face for loving me enough to die on the cross so that I could be forgiven. To know that God gave his own Son so that we could have eternal life. God also knows the pain of losing a child like we ,BLM, do.
As we were practicing our Easter Drama last night for the final time, I was sitting there watching Jesus hang on the cross as Mary was sitting there crying and having to watch her child die. That is how some of us are, as we sat there and had to watch and go through the pain of losing our own children. See we are not the only ones who have suffered the lose of our Precious Child, even our SAVIOR'S parents had to go through the pain of losing their child too.
I know that its hard but I know that with the help of God, family, friends, and other BLM, we will make it. We need to stick together and help each other and be there to pick each other up when the other falls. Some of us are still trying to put all the pieces of our heart back together and then there are some of us who have the pieces back together but now we are waiting for the healing to begin. I know that my strength comes from the Lord and that is the main reason I am able to make it from day to day. Withour Him, I don't know where I would be today.
To all of my BLM, lets help each other for it won't be long before we will get to see our Angels again. Let encourage each other to not give up and to keep our Faith in Christ for He is the only way to the Fater and to Heaven!!! Love you Guys and praying for you!!! Happy Easter!!!
When He was on the Cross, We were on His mind!!!
2 months ago
Thanks for your thoughtful comments on my blog. I have awarded you a versatile blogger award. If you would like to participate just visit my blog and read my latest post. Happy Easter.
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