Some dear friends of mine from church buried their precious baby girls today, Payslee Grace and Paylon Claire. She was 20 weeks pregnant with them and it was the sweetest service but yet so sad. I knew that God put me in their lives for a reason but didn't know this would be it. It has been really rough on her and the rest of the family. Brandon, the father, lost his dad last year in September. Bro. David found out he had cancer and 2 weeks later passed away. ( But not only do they have Jesus as a baby-sitter, they have their pawpaw) So this family has really been through it but yet they haven't lost their Praise!!! Then today during the funeral, Sierra's, the mommy, uncle passed out. They are thinking he had a heart attack. So please if you are a prayer warrior, please lift this family up because they really need it. One thing that really stuck out to me today was what one of the preacher's said. Bro Ray has also lost a child, so he knows from experience what they are going through. He said people may be trying to comfort them when they say: you are young, you can have another one. He said yes that's true but another baby will never replace them. Each child is its own being. They have their own place in your heart and can never be replaced. I love that!!! Please remember my friends and their family. I know that they will be Victorious because they have Jesus on their side!!!
This song is so sweet and really touched me!!! I know that God is the best babysitter for my Angel!!!
2 months ago
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