Have you ever had one of those days where nothing went right and all you wanted to do was cry? All you could think about was sad things? Loved ones that you have lost? Well that is what I am having today. Going down memory lane makes me so sad. I just wished that I could have just one more day with everyone that I have lost in my life. Then I get to looking at my friends and thier stories and I cry with them because my heart breaks for them too. It hurts to think about the what ifs. What if they were here, what would they be doing. Well the thing that makes me happy is knowing that one day soon, I will get to see the what ifs when I get to Heaven. All I have to do is keep my mind on the goal and that is to make it to Heaven. Then Heaven will be my reward!!! To get to Heaven I have to make sure that I believe in Christ, ask Him to forgive me for my sins, live for Him, and share His love with others. They have to see a difference in me and that is what I am trying to do is show them that I am different now and that I lived each day to be more like Christ. Through all my hurt and pain, God has never left my side and I am so thankful for that. I have seen Him perform miracles and answer prayers and I am so thankful for that. I hope that everyone has a Blessed day!!! I know that I am going to try to make the best of whats left in this day!!! Pray for me and I will be praying for you :) <3 Love to all my BLMs <3
2 months ago
Such a sweet post! You write so well. Love both of those songs!! Hugs to you
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