I just want to say that I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father, Earthly Father, and Husband.
First of all my Heavenly Father, without Him, I wouldn't be here today. He loved me enough to let His Son die on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and have everlasting life. Also I am thankful that He loves me enough to give me another day to wake up with my little family, for being my strong tower when I was going through the hardest times of my life, and for just loving me for I am so unworthy.
Second my dad, I want to thank him for always being there for me. He has been there for me during heartbreaks, break-ups, my miscarriage. He has always tried to give me anything that I wanted and I am thankful for that. My husband isn't lol because he says that I am spoiled. To my daddy, I love you!!!
My daddy and I on my wedding day :)
Last my husband, he is the best daddy ever. I couldn't have chosen a better daddy for my boys. He loves them and he loves me. He tries to give us the best life that he can. Yes, he does spoil us. He allows me to be a stay at home mom with our kids and I am so thankful for that. He is my rock and best friend. I love him so much!!!
My husband and the boys, the day Maddox was born :) Landon was so excited to be a big brother.
Now to the rest of the Fathers. I hope you guys had a great Father's Day. No matter if you are a father to an Angel in Heaven or an Angel who walks on Earth, you are still a daddy and so loved :)
2 months ago
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