I love Christmas!!! It is my favorite Holiday but this year is going to be sad. We have a really close family and we all live within a few miles of each other. Well, in January my cousin and his family will be moving to Riverton, Wyoming :( He has always been more like my brother than my cousin since I am an only child and we grew up across the street from each other. He was always my hero and I thought he hung the moon (but I know better than that now lol) Well my little boy Landon feels the same way about his son Konnor. Landon thinks Konnor is the greatest thing ever, so I am sad not only for me but for Landon. He will be losing his best friend. Our family has been so upset over this and not looking forward to the day of them leaving. So please remember our family for this is going to be so hard on us and something new that we are not used too. I thought the world ended when Justin went off to college to Troy State University and that was only 4 hours away, and WY is a 2 day drive away :( Then when I went off to college to the University of Alabama, it was so hard and I was only 2 1/2 hours away so as you can tell our family is really close. Our hearts are broken and we are going to miss them so much. Please pray that we can stay strong and that they have a safe trip!!!

Jut and I at my wedding!!!
Konnor and Landon
These pictures say it all!!! They will be missed so much!!!
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