For those who don't believe that God still performs miracles and heals, just read this post. Thank you Jesus!!! When I read this today, I got chills and began to cry because I know our God is good and this reassures me that He hears our prayers!!! ~~Just Trust~~
This week in itself has yet again been trying for our family. While Starla was still sedated 3 weeks ago we were told that a CT scan showed abcess on her abdomen/pelvic area, and that they would monitor it in the upcoming weeks. Monday a repeat CT was done and raised concerns from her doctor. He stated that the mass forming seemed to mimick that of chloroma. A chloroma usually presents before AML is presented in the bone our case, it would mean a relapse. My heart sank to the floor as the doctor proceeded to tell us that he wanted to have it biopsied immediately so that pathology could examine it further, He also explained that if it was indeed chloroma Starla would be given intense chemo to push her back into remission and then taken for a bone marrow transplant. I was confused...God had given Starla back to us...she wasnt even finished with her other rounds of treatment, NOW this!!!
Starla was biopsied yesterday. She cried and cried as she got ready for the procedure, and although I was trusting, as a mother I was afraid for my child who had already overcome all odds. We were told that we would get results in 3 days...
This morning the doctor made his rounds...and within a few hours he stomach had hit the floor as he had a confused look on his face..."I thought I should tell you this today Mr and Mrs Chapman...the biopsy is CLEAN...."
He walked out of the room and we immediately began to praise God and thank Him for yet another miracle.
Today marked one month since Starla went into cardiac arrest. She was taken off of her final support med, took a trip to the park at the hospital, the cardiologist said that her heart function looks great and if all goes well we will be moved to the floor PENTHOUSE on Monday.
We hold Starla tighter everyday and never fail to thank God for our miracle. And we thank each of you for the outpouring of Love and support. One thing is certain the good outweighs the bad! Just Trust....God is with us ♥
*Proverbs 3:5*
2 months ago
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